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Top 3 Most Unhealthy Foods that Make Losing Weight Difficult

With the rise in the work deadlines, people these days end up quickly ordering a burger or pizza instead of making the food at home. Ordering food saves your time, but is it working good on your body?

The Worst Foods list can go very looooong, but the best part is no one actually knows the facts. I kind of dug into the food options, and made the list of the Worst 3 foods that you may have never guessed before!

Top 3 Most Unhealthy Foods that Make Losing Weight Difficult

If you want to get fit and escape all the health ailments, then you need to first eat right. All the foods that taste good, are not exactly doing good to your body. Do not spend weekends to fulfill holiday eating habits. Following are the less-known worst food ever discovered:

Sugary Drinks1. Sugary and Artificially Sweetened Drinks

Let’s be real, we all have taken one extra round of cold-drinks and never regretted.

But these so-called fruit-based juices and cold-drinks are high on sugar. Like the level of sugar is deadly, and so harmful in ways that you won’t believe.

So, if you are on diet yet have your fav cold drinks – you are simply adding up to the calories, nothing else.

French Fries2. Chips and the French Fries

Oh, we so love them. Potato Chips and French Fries – anytime. Unfortunately, they are the second worst food. Boiled potatoes are healthy, but once they are deep fried in oils – it simply increases the calorific value leaving no health nutrient for you. High consumption of fried potatoes contains carcinogen substances making it unhealthy and a weight-gainer thing.

3. Ice-creams 😬

I know your reactions might be like-

Ugh, what? Come on, ice-cream is the only thing I look forward to!

But honey, ice-creams, in reality, are high in calorie, while some of them are too high on sugar. While having ice-creams for the dessert makes it worse, as it simply adds up to the previous calorie intake.

As an alternative to this, you can try making ice-creams or drinks made from all natural ingredients and keep it less on sugar. Fried items are totally not recommended. Boiled potatoes stand the best.